Let’s Talk about Sex…

and safe relationships

Sex & safe relationships: not just birds & bees

With this workshop for parents, caregivers and others who support rangatahi, discussing sex and safe relationship doesn’t have to be awkward.

In just a single 2-hour facilitated session, “Let’s Talk About Sex” will give you the up-to-date information you need to discuss sex and relationships confidently with your rangatahi. Topics covered include:

  • Consent & New Zealand Law
  • Communication & Consent
  • What is sexual activity, according to NZ Law
  • Common Relationship Red Flags
  • Unpacking the Harmful Digital Communications Act

Get in touch today, and and learn how you can support your teen to have safer, respectful relationships.

The seminar last night was exceptional. Well done. You have such a great manner to discuss sensitive material and to break down any barriers within the room. In discussing what was covered later last evening with others present they all received significant benefit from attending and were full of praise for the presenter. The subject matter is so important that it would be fantastic for wider uptake from the community to attend.

– Andrew McCrae, Crown Solicitor