Latest News & Updates
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Reclaiming Our Lives from Screens
Young people today are more aware of the downsides of excessive screen time than many might think. Recent findings, including Outward Bound’s Screentime Amongst Rangatahi survey, reveal that nearly 80% of taiohi wish to reduce their time on devices. The study also found that peer pressure plays a significant role in screen habits. Seventy-five per…
Support can reduce stress of exams
It’s that time of year again – NCEA exams are looming, and taiohi across the Central South Island are hunkering down to hit the books. Whether they’re tackling NCEA Level 1, 2, or 3, this period can be pretty stressful for them, but there’s a lot you can do to help ease the pressure. Here…
The Y Brings Services to Twizel
There will soon be opportunities for young people in Twizel to take part in after school youth and community development programmes, active recreation and sports, and driver education and instruction thanks to a collaboration between The Y Central South Island (The Y) and Mackenzie District Council (MDC). “Initially we will deliver after school play, active…
Journeying Beyond te Wiki o te Reo Māori
Y Central South Island is on a powerful bicultural journey, and it’s one that we’re excited to be taking as an organisation. With Māori participants making up between 35-50% of those involved in our education, youth work, support-to-employment, and driving programmes, it’s clear that connecting with and supporting our Māori community must be at the…
Youth Survey 2024 Results Announced
The Y Central South Island today released the results report from Youth Survey 2024, which aims to take the pulse of the region’s taiohi aged 12-24 years on a range of topics. An average of 935 young people participated across the three parts of the survey: Attitudes, Education & Employment, and Wellbeing. Youth Survey 2024…
Weathering the Storm of Funding Cuts Together
Government funding cuts have sent ripples of concern across the non-profit and social sector, and the communities of Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru served by the Y are no exception. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but we think it also provides an opportunity for organisations to come together, pool resources, and amplify our collective impact.…
The Importance of Meaningful Work for Young People
Recent research led by The Y Australia on behalf of the worldwide YMCA Movement has underscored the challenges and opportunities around young people and the world of work. The global research survey reached over 10,000 young people aged 18-35 in over 120 countries worldwide. 45% of respondents were from under-represented groups. The research revealed: So…
Name Change Reflects a Growing Y
The Y South & Mid Canterbury today announced the organisation is changing its name to “The Y Central South Island” effective immediately. The change was approved at the not-for-profit organisation’s recent AGM. It was prompted by expanding operations in Christchurch, Ashburton, Timaru and Oamaru and acknowledges that the previous name no longer accurately described the…
Crucial for Youth to Have a Say in Their Communities
Let’s talk about something super important: giving young people a real voice in their communities. This isn’t just about letting them speak; it’s about truly listening and acting on their insights. An important youth voice opportunity for taiohi living in Ashburton, Mackenzie, Timaru, Waimate, and Waitaki districts is currently running until 30 June – the…
Youth Survey 2024 Now Open Online
An important youth voice opportunity for taiohi living in Ashburton, Mackenzie, Timaru, Waimate, and Waitaki districts is now open online and runs to 30 June – the Y South & Mid Canterbury’s Youth Survey 2024. Roughly every two years since 2014 The Y has taken the pulse of the region’s taiohi age 12-24 years on…
A First Aid Approach to Youth Mental Health
Our young people face a myriad of challenges that can impact their mental well-being. From academic pressures to social media influences and everything in between, the weight of these issues can often feel overwhelming for taiohi. Indeed, 59% of 16 year olds said they feel stress “always” or “most of the time” – a figure…
Who’s Who on Your Youth Team?
There will always be times when a young person needs extra support and guidance from a trained professional. Here at The Y we have youth workers and social workers who work collaboratively with taiohi, and counsellors may also play an important part of the wider team. The roles of youth workers, social workers, and counsellors have distinct…
Why the YMCA Became The Y
What’s in a name? Plenty, if it’s one as well known around the world as the YMCA (are you singing that song in your head yet?) Having such a well-recognised name means that many people think they know exactly who we are and what we do – or what we’re supposed to do. At first…
Vaping & Young People Shouldn’t Mix
Vaping and taiohi (young people) really shouldn’t mix – but of course they do. So what’s being done about it, and how can you support a young person to quit? Vaping has become increasingly popular among our taiohi, with data showing that the number who vaped regularly had tripled between 2019 and 2021 and continues…
Support your young people to vote
The General Election on 14 October is just around the corner, bringing with it the opportunity for eligible voters to have their say on the future direction of our country. However, not everyone will take up this opportunity, especially young people. Even during the “Youth Quake” of the 2020 general election, only 62.7% of eligible…
Using strengths when working with young people
When things are tough, we’re often told (or tell others) to “harden up” or “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” – but how often do we check whether there are any bootstraps to pull on? At the Y we call those bootstraps “strengths”, and utilising them (“strengths-based practice”) is the foundation of how we work…
The Y Expand to New Premises on Sophia Street
Steady growth has led the Y South & Mid Canterbury to expand to new premises at 7-9 Sophia Street to accommodate their youth and community development (Y&CD) staff, while retaining their current premises at 23 Butler Street. “Due to increases in our youth and community development, Y•Drive driver education and licence support, and employment pathways…
Some Perspective on Youth Crime
There’s an election looming in New Zealand. One way you can tell is by the near-constant media headlines about the supposed youth crime wave, ram raids, and political parties of every stripe announcing “tough on crime” policies in response. These announcements make good sound bites. But are the proposed policies actually good for the troubled…
Parents’ Important Role in Talking about Sex
The recent Mama Hooch trial, which resulted in convictions against two men on dozens of charges including rape, sexual violation, indecent assault and drink-spiking related to Christchurch’s Mama Hooch bar, reveals how sadly little has changed since the Roast Busters case horrified the nation 10 years ago. The aftermath of the Roast Busters case led to the…
Employer Expectations for Young Workers
In today’s tight labour market many employers will be competing to hire end-of-year school leavers and other not very experienced young people to fill permanent and part-time roles, as well as seasonal summer vacancies. But in the era of “quiet quitting” and a generational shift in attitudes toward work/life balance, is it possible to bridge…
Be a Driving Mentor
Are you a good driver? Safe? Responsible? A Road Code whiz? Could you spare two hours a week to help a young person practice for their on-road driving licence test? If so, the Y would love to hear from you! In partnership with the Salvation Army, the Y offers the Community Driver Mentor Programme (CDMP)…
Myths and Truths about Teens
Society often treats teenagers as if they’re a problem to be solved, but the reality is that we have to prepare them to solve our problems. At the Y our mahi centres on positive youth development – whanake taiohi pai. We view rangatahi through the lens of development, using their strengths as a springboard for…
Proud to be a LGBTQ+ PRIDE ally
We’ve written before in this column of our commitment to supporting Rainbow rangatahi and their whānau in our community. With upcoming PRIDE Month being celebrated throughout March we wish to reiterate the importance of being an LGBTQ+ ally. Being a Rainbow community ally is a rewarding experience for us at the Y. We celebrate PRIDE…
What the Y’s Young People Wish You Knew
Youth voice is something we at the Y feel passionately about. So for our last column this year, we decided to turn it over to our rangatahi. We asked the learners at all our Education Centres what they wish others knew/understood about them and about the Y, and here’s what they had to say: What…
Y•Education Opens in Oamaru
A new, free education option is open for enrolments in Oamaru for young people for whom mainstream education isn’t working. Y•Education, run by YMCA South & Mid Canterbury (the Y), offers rangatahi aged 16-19 years the opportunity to complete foundation level 1 and/or level 2 education qualifications and NCEA level certificates. Enrolments of 15-year-olds may…